The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized emergency management approach used by an Incident Commander and his/her Incident Management Team located at a Command Post to guide field operations. For more information on ICS, refer to Wikipedia’s overview of ICS.
The ICS 100 Orientation level of trainings is generally recommended as a prerequisite to these courses. As ICS 100 is an overview, it is generally learned on-line such as from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on-line independent study course.
This is a 3-day course that combines 200 basic and 300 intermediate ICS training levels. The course material is developed to international standards based on US National Incident Management System, and as recommended by the United Nations for emergency management world-wide.
For British Columbia (Canada), Stafford is an Inter-Agency Emergency Preparedness Council (IEPC) approved training provider for site level 1001 application of ICS.
The course is relevant to all threats that include fires, spills, floods, earthquakes, and crime - and for all scales of event.
ICS 200/300 COURSE COST: $3,500 per class (3-day), plus travel and lodging expenses*. Budget $25 per student for ICS manual. Maximum classroom size is 20 students. Sponsoring client can seek fees directly from students for cost recovery. Recommend a mixed classroom of agencies and industry participants.
* For course locations requiring flight travel: there is a $350/day travel fee.
The ICS material - terminology, organization, and protocols - can be pedantic and quickly forgotten. This ICS course revisits many of the hard-to-retain concepts include: “What is a Division, Who establishes them? How does a Division differ from a Group”. What is an Operational Period? What meetings do I attend? How do I prepare the ICS 215 Operations Planning Worksheet? How does one transition from a small facility event to a larger one requiring an Incident Management Team? What is Unified Command? How does the work at an Incident Command Post differ from a supporting Emergency Operations Centre?
This ICS course provides an opportunity for a client to examine their emergency response plans and preparedness as the course can revolve around scenarios developed by the participants based on real risk and their concerns.
ICS REFRESHER COURSE COST: $1,000 per class (1-day), plus travel and lodging expenses*. Maximum classroom size is 15 to 20 students. Sponsoring client can seek fees directly from students for cost recovery. Recommend a mixed classroom of agencies and industry participants.
* For course locations requiring extensive flight travel: there is a $350/day travel fee.